Toriko Gourmet Survival 2 English Patch

Nippon-Yasan.Com, PSP - Toriko Gourmet Survival 2.

  1. Zombie Survival 2
  2. Toriko Gourmet Survival 2 English Patch
Toriko Gourmet Survival 2 English Patch

Best Answer: Hmm,,, same here. I'd so want to play Toriko right now,,, especially when gourmet survival 2's coming out soon. But unfortunately, we need to wait. They needa localize the game in the US or Europe, otherwise, there's no way, except if some fans decided to do a translation project on their own and add the whole english subtitles in a downloadable patch, which i doubt will EVER happen at this point since it's not thaaaat popular outside japan.

So, ya, u can either wait for God knows how long, or just get it in jap and enjoy what u can out of it. I'm thinking of doing the latter, since i don't think i can wait any longer. Also, we got some background bout the game from episodes 42 and 43 if u've seen them. Dunno bout black rock shooter, but i feel it's the same. Ya man, i know it's a killer, but that's all we can do.:). • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again.

Zombie Survival 2

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Toriko Gourmet Survival 2 English Patch

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