After rooting SMARTFREN I6C Andromax U LE you can overclock the processor which will speed up your device (but may eat a lot of battery juice). Installing a custom ROM is also a good idea ( ROM - the unofficial version of Android on your device). It may solve a lot of problems but is a very dangerous and not recommended operation. You can also delete unwanted applications on your SMARTFRENI6C Andromax U LE. Use a backup app in order to back up applications in case you needed to restore it in the future.
Smartphone Andromax U16 C mengalami kerusakan softbrick, dan Teknisi Vtiga akan mengatasinya tanpa menggunakan PC melainkan melalui memory external. Seperti apakah proses perbaikannya? Simaklah dengan seksama langkah-langkah perbaikan di bawah ini. Syarat untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini yaitu harus masih terdeteksi di pc. Jika tidak terbaca mungkin driver nya. Ini cara bagaimana agar Andromax U sembuh dari.
Remember not to delete any system applications!