X3 Terran Conflict Scripts

  1. X3 Terran Conflict Script Editor
X3 Terran Conflict ScriptsConflict

X3 Terran Conflict Script Editor

Ninjutsu pdf download. Since some of the guys here bought X3: Terran Conflict recently on Steam because it was on sale, I thought it might be useful to post the scripts/mods I've been using. These aren't huge changes, just add a few useful things and tweaks to improve my experience. If you wanna check out more, here is the Explorer Command Extension (Auto Explore part) - Ships with the explorer software installed can now auto explore the universe. When issuing this command, they will explore the current sector and then enter any gates that haven't been entered before.

X3 Terran Conflict Scripts

If it doesn't find any unknown gates, it will start searching for a sector that does. I only use the first part, auto explore, because the satellite deploy network command works fine in vanilla. Imprimir sin vista previa crystal reports. Missile Defense Hotkeys - Can set a key to quickly target the nearest missile No civilians mod - Eliminates all 'civilian' ships from the universe. These are the ships at the bottom of a sector ship list that have the small dot icon. These ships do not serve any real purpose other than extra traffic and eye candy, they don't add to the trade economy or anything.